Friday, July 25, 2008

Farming in urban city - winner of green architecture competition

A chance to farm in urban areas.

This the winner for green architecture competition. Mithun Architects designed an urban farm building, a building for farming that will produce vegetables, fruits, even chicken farm.

Explained in the website

Some features of the "Center for Urban Agriculture" (CUA):

  • Fully self-sufficient building: in energy and water.
    • 31,000 sq ft rooftop water rainwater collection
    • Recycling of gray water (including an ability to handle some of the surrounding area's waste water up to "20 times its own discharge potential")
    • 34,000+ sq ft of solar PV cells with hydrogen gas backup
  • "Agricultural features include fields for growing veggies and grains, greenhouses, rooftop gardens and even a chicken farm."
    • Local produced food is critical for changing energy patterns as "40 percent of an individual's ecological footprint is generated by the embodied energy in food."
  • 318 apartments (studio, 1 & 2 bedroom units)
  • Restaurant & Cafe (The "Greenhouse" using building grown food.


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