Tuesday, November 4, 2008

'Cool' public space in hot Abu Dhabi by Emergent Architecture

A public space that is hi-tech, like Zaha Hadid's deconstruction museum is in Abu Dhabi made by Emergent, an architecture firm in Los Angeles. This open space is inteded to be used as public space in a very hot environment that can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit, with water pool to cooler the air, in term of evaporative and psychological. With atmospheric and spatial solution, this environment will attract people to come and enjoy the daytime hours.

The surface of the plaza plane has rooms below it, that become media center and converence rooms that serves the other three buildings around it.

This surface-to-volume transformation is an extension of an investigation into surface-to-strand geometries in recent projects. Hybrid, transformative geometries offer a wider range of flexibility than surface, strand, or volume systems alone. 


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