Saturday, December 13, 2008

Conceptual seed of future buildings, by Brittany Bell

Britany Bell, an architecture student in University of Victoria, New Zeland, has made her basic concepts of design. In this design concept she create seed concept may appear in her next design.

Basically, the idea is the concept of plants that grow in the city. Brittany Bell write in the text;

Each year, more and more types of plants that become extinct or endangered. The New Zealand government has proposed the idea to create the archives to seed the Pacific home to the original plant and preserve them for future generations.

Brittany describe that architecture of the future is unpredictable, and therefore there is a need to design buildings that can move and grow like plants in the changing environment and ecosystem. Basically she take the form of bone from the plant's 'cytoskeleton'. From this basic concept it can be further developed in response to building environment and grow with, such as adapting the rainfall, making forms of protection as a wing. These structures can even move to accommodate such protection.

+ via Dezeen
+ via Britt Bell


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